Broken Mirror's Blog
Saturday, December 10, 2022: Day in the life of an entrepreneur
Saturday, December 10, 2022: Day in the life of an entrepreneur
Sleep past six am. Wake up naturally.
Draco cuddles, unplug phone, notifications. Out of bed.
Coffee maker on. Computer on.
Post some funny Tiktok reels.
Tidy apartment. Answer first round of emails.
Weekly marketing meeting: productive, complete next steps. Podcast
almost ready, links on site, channels, answers sync with email marketing.
Discuss changing hosting platforms, agility in next website revamp. Includes a landing page funnel, why video with Brittney Souther, reCAPTCHA, theme changes, speed, and new collections. Finalize 2023 newsletter plan, social media micro-influencers: 2023 and additional ancillary items. Notes.
Set next agenda items. Team Emails round II.
Voice text from sister confirming I got the Dr. Sattler Jurassic Park family-themed Christmas gift. Huge success!!! Everyone gets a character!
Pretty sure dad got Malcolm. Confirm later.
Finish last Christmas shopping online.
Update Asana: A Rose from Concrete. Tornado muslin underway. Fabrics sourced with direction alignment. Team sourcing upcycled, sustainable fabric for cohesive pants, jackets, and other items. Includes velvet purple double helix dress, emerald green buddha dress, revised flame shirt, vegan leather Durden jacket, polar bear jacket, camo rose corset, camo bottoms, others.
Whimsical. Creative. All about the color purple.
Five minute break to check personal messages.
Complete blog edits for upcoming endangered species articles.
Stephie's back from maternity leave with the beautiful Skylar….also
a better blogger than ever!! PT I good to go; PT II needs final edits.
Message team.
Start Up Club training: planning first sustainable fashion tech pitch event
this February; get ready for tomorrow’s meeting, answer investor emails.
Finish cleaning apartment.
Burn incense and an evergreen pine candle.

Listen to the “Villain Mode” Spotify playlist loudly.
Plan Trello week. Break for Pilates. Feed Draco.
Ignore social media messages.
Write team emails. Zero inbox goals.
Stretch. Breathe. Walk onto my patio.
Appreciate growth, strength, resilience. Realize the power of time and
time management. Energy management. Why we write copy.
Rely on team for distribution.
Wrote and edited this blog article in 19 minutes.
It takes some all day to write three paragraphs.
Note to self: leverage strengths, hire the rest, and remember...
Why it all started.

Broken Mirror started with a flame.
A fire inside.
Where mission, creativity and ambition collide.
The planet’s on fire.
All the melting ice...
Queens call the dragons.

Launch blog article while on phone with sister.
Plan Cinderella, Christmas, and work on collection updates.
Wish dad a huge happy birthday and tell him that I love him, miss him,
and can’t wait to see him for Christmas.
Also that we’re doing Queen’s prelaunch for his birthday!!!
Dad loves chess. It's his favorite game.
Note to self: told several people I grew up with my dad gone
all the time, traveling the world in the Air Force.
All for a very specific commodity...
Seems to resonate for why I'm passionate about environmentalism.
Finish Queen pricing details. Write product description. Black or ivory.
Write fabric details. Ivory soon. Launch Queen presale. Round I.
Give self breaks. It’s the weekend. Bed early tonight. Maybe 11?
Tomorrow?... Rebirth from ashes.
A phoenix again.

By Jennifer Lully